
Saturday, November 15, 2014


So. I've been inspired. Something has come across my line of vision and sparked an urge to profess my thoughts on the current matter. I've decided to take the time and effort to craft a post because I feel it is my civic duty to do so. WHAT in the WORLD has thrown me into such a tailspin of thoughtful activity???


Kim Kardashian's ass.

Look familiar?

You really didn't see that coming? We just landed some space module on a comet 365 million miles away but all anyone cares about is a comet-sized booty. This country is obsessed with the material and superficial - so lets indulge shall we? I have some important points to make.

I'm sure you've seen it by now; her completely bare and bulbous behind on the cover of Paper magazine. If you haven't seen it yet, I'm sure it's only a matter of seconds before you do. You almost have to admire her, she just doesn't quit. She doesn't give a damn if you like it or not, you're still going to look at it. Now, let's talk about how people are reacting solely to her body...

 .........Cue the self righteous, judgemental and overly opinionated!

"Kim Kardashian is such a WHORE omg!!!"
"What a shameful human being"
"YOU are a MOTHER, stop being a WHORE"
"Kim is such a slut"

I may be coming out of left field with this, but can someone explain to me how she's a slut?
No, seriously. Can someone give me actual valid reasons as to why she's such a slut? Go ahead, entertain me. I'm going to do something against the grain right now and argue the opposite.

Listen, I'm not a huge Kim K advocate. Yes, I think she is physically attractive, but to me she is generally annoying. She literally possesses all the qualities I aggressively avoid when prospecting any type of new relationship with a person. However, I don't consider her a slut because she made a sex-tape or that she shows off her body. I just don't see how a sex-tape (which she made in private with her then-boyfriend who released it without her consent), qualifies her as a stone-cold whore. It makes no sense. When asked why she did it, her answer was simply "Because I felt like it".... Woa! Ring the alarm! SLUT!!! (Sarcasm level: 100).

Here's a fun fact: these condemned "slutty" acts happen in private all the time. Men and women take pictures in their underwear. Men and women send pictures to their boyfriends/girlfriends. Men and women post naked pictures all over the internet. Guys, unfortunately, send dick pics. Couples make videos together for their own enjoyment. It's not unheard of, or new for that matter.

I can just hear it now:

"OMG I don't do stuff like that, thats disgusting."


Sexuality exists. It's a real thing, so people need to calm down with their judgements. Stop slapping a negative label on a person's sexuality just because you don't know how to handle it or it makes you uncomfortable. Another person's private life is none of your business. Besides, the amazing amount of profane sexuality I see from social media and all the popular "bro-blogs" alone put Kim to shame. I feel like I'm living in a modern day Scarlet Letter. All people are capable of arguing is that she's most definitely a whore because she posed naked in a magazine................

......Newsflash! Websites and magazines gravitate towards people and products that produce higher sales and consumer traffic (Gasp!).  Her body has become an icon, therefore she is a selling point for any brand. It's a business deal and it's all about marketing. People now tell her what to do so they can make money off her status. If you think it's just her running the show, deciding how "slutty" she can be, you're sorely mistaken. Everything is business; money talks and guess what sells? Sex. You can count on everyone at Paper magazine receiving a nice Christmas bonus. Kim's actions are all relative to her lifestyle. Here's an idea: stop using Kim as a soap-box to voice your own, skewed moral standards about what it means to live the "correct" lifestyle.

Here's another, more important idea people need to consider: Smaller, petite celebrities strip down all the time and the reaction is completely and totally different. When slimmer celebrities strip down, it's "sexy", "beautiful" and "artistic" and no one seems to have a problem with it. Keira Knightly just posed completely topless in an effort to empower women to liberate themselves and everyone seems to be generally inspired by her naked, flat chest. On the flip side, when someone curvier puts their body on display, they are "tacky" and "slutty" or most definitely photoshopped. How in the world could a women's body ever be larger than a size 6?? Photoshop. Obviously. People then go on to make degrading comments geared toward her body - did I miss something? Is something wrong with being proud of your body when you're not thin, don't have a thigh gap, or a flat chest?

Kim's naked photos have also sparked some interesting and confusing reactions from the feminist community.  Feminists fight tooth-and-nail so women can have full, decisive control over their bodies. However, when a woman is actually given that freedom, there's a problem. I feel like I live in constant contradiction; Feminists have parades where they walk around topless to prove that women can do what they want BUT, Kim shouldn't pose topless. You know what else? There is a real line of bathing suits with images of breasts on the triangle tops so women can "free the nipple" in order to be more liberated. BUT when Kim says 'fuck it' and goes nude, everyone gets their panties in a bunch and calls her a whore. I'm confused, didn't you want this freedom? Oh, you only wanted it for skinny women? Or less attractive women? or less famous women? Someone explain.

It's obviously because Kim has more, all around real-estate, than most. Her body is recognizable. My concern is the general reaction to Kim when she has clothes on because it is the exact same reaction as to when they're off. Any time she wears something body contouring or even remotely fitted, the slut-police chime in. She has a curvy body and clothes fit her differently than other women. Just because clothing hugs her body and exposes her curves doesn't mean shes a slut but I hear it all the time. "What a whore" when she's wearing a long black dress or jeans.... wait, what?

As a woman who has never been petite or super thin, the reaction people have to this body type stays at the back of my mind. At a young age you start associating the thicker body image with 'fat' and 'bad' because it's viewed as 'slutty' or 'trashy' as you get older. It takes women a very long time to appreciate their own bodies and not feel ashamed when they don't look a certain way, I know this feeling first hand. Now I appreciate that I won't ever be thin in a particular way and that buying jeans will suck forever.  I'm not complaining either, but I used to. And I know that thin women get picked on just for being thin, but I really don't think it compares to when people see your body and automatically place your personality and mentality in the 'stupid-whore' category because you need a little more support than just a training bra.

This body-shaming really needs to get under control and stop being biased toward the body type that society has deemed the most acceptable. People also need to start understanding that just because a person's body is theoretically sexualized, it does not define who they are as a person. You are not a "slut" because you have curves. Everyone is always putting their own opinions on blast all over social media, saying that they are "accepting" and " love everyone equally" ... oh really?

People don't realize that their "slut-shaming" doesn't affect the celebrity. They don't hear you!  You affect the people around you. Your opinions affect the people who may associate themselves to someone more famous. Representation MATTERS. Thick,  muscular, curvy - whatever it is -  It doesn't make you feel good to hear people saying Kim looks like a slut when she's wearing jeans and a tank top because of the way her body looks.  I wear those things, are you indirectly calling me a slut? So when you see a curvier girl in a bathing suit or a dress, is your first thought that she looks trashy? So what's acceptable then? That cute shapeless tee is out of the question or else I'll look like a traveling circus tent. So what do I wear? Riddle me that.

Learn to recognize and appreciate that there are different body types. Learn what it actually means to be a whore and what relativity means in terms of your life versus the life a celebrity. Being a celebrity isn't an excuse for certain behavior, but what they are contractually obligated to do in order to get paid is a whole different ball game. Calm down. And, if you don't like Kim's ass then stop looking at it and go find a hobby.

End rant.
