
Monday, March 25, 2013

America's Sweetheart

The much anticipated "Secret life of your waitress Part II" is in the works, so for right now you can deal with this mini rant that I have to get off my chest.

So the title of this particular blog is "America's Sweetheart" and I bet you're wondering "who is she talking about" ...."where the hell is this post going" or "I don't want to read this BS." I may actually lose a lot of support for this one but I don't care. I know there are others out there who feel the same. I am referring to the ever so omnipresent Taylor Swift.  If you like her, leave now. Sorry. But I don't want whiny bitches complaining to me about how Taylor Swift is "so inspirational" and "such a good role model" and how "shes so perfect."


She is not really any of those things. For grown ups anyways. Let me explain. If you like T Swift and you're still here but about to 'X' out of this post, hear me out for a hot second. If this country would just look past her long blonde hair and conservative sundresses, they would see her for what she really is: a naive and immature little girl who has the mentality of a freshman in high school. I am literally so confused as to why girls my age idolize her. She is fine for the younger girls I guess but, twenty-somethings??

The girl has gone through about 14 different boyfriends in the last two years and every song is about the same exact thing: how they left her, or hurt her, how she should've known and now she's either all alone, or stronger for it. Well, obviously not Taylor. Obviously, you either keep making the same mistakes because you're either 1. dumb or 2. you're doing it on purpose. I firmly believe she is doing it on purpose. This whole "innocent girl" thing she has going on is just an act. She has even admitted to using guys for material. Uh Hello? That's not a nice girl. Let the kiddies love her and leave Adele to the soulful heartbreak songs because they're the same age except Adele is 1000x more eloquent with her words.

You want to know who Taylor Swift really is? She is that annoying girl in high school that starts dating someone and two days later she posts how much she looooooves them all over Facebook. A "Stage 5 Clinger" if you will. The guys date her because shes cute, then soon after they're like "woa you're actually crazy" and they jet. This has literally been the pattern that her life follows. This pattern is so consistent. Too consistent. That's fine, let her do whatever she wants. It's her life and I won't judge her for her choices.

My confusion comes from the older girls who like her. Why? Are you blind? Why are we idolizing this immature behavior? I'm frustrated. Aren't women fighting for equality here? We can't be taken seriously when we sing lyrics like "all you'll ever be is mean." Really Swifty? You went with "mean" ? There are literally 1000 other words in the English language that could have made you sound a little more mature and intelligent and you went with 'mean'? Alright..........Back to middle school I guess.

I don't hate Taylor Swift. By any means (lie). The girl is rolling in the dough and I applaud her actually. She is recycling the same BS over and over again and it works for her so I can't really even complain. But I am. And hell, I'll sing her stupid song "trouble trouble" or whatever it is, when its on. But that's only because its catchy and sneaks into my brain uninvited.

My point is this: I don't like what her image is doing to my generation especially the younger ones as well. Stop idolizing a weak female image. I'm over it! Maybe you should stop handing your heart out like candy while still expecting people to respect you...maybe? What happened to the strong female role models that told guys to screw if they messed with you? Remember Aretha? She demanded R. E. S. P. E. C. T. Where are those girls? Where are all my independent women?

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