
Monday, January 27, 2014

Super Rich Kids

So I was watching E! late night after work and this awful show came on called "#The Rich Kids of Beverly Hills"

......Yes. The hastag is part of the show title (Ugh)

If that name alone doesn't instantly make you want to vomit, then maybe this blog post isn't for you. This show basically follows these rich, entitled brats around and shows the world how ridiculous they are. They are loaded beyond words and have so much money that I wouldn't even want that much because...what the fuck can you do with it all? Well, if you're fantastic at being poor maybe this show is for you since it shows you all of the USELESS things you can waste your money on when you have money to burn.

So the show follows these people around and all they do is go shopping incessantly. They spend upwards of 450,000 dollars on one trip alone, sometimes one thing.....Why? I am literally watching the show and I still don't understand why you would want a 450,000 watch. Does it wipe your ass for you when you go to the bathroom? That might be worth it. You seriously can't find anything better to buy? They throw these huge, lavish parties and complain about the choices of champagne (meanwhile poor folk rip shots of whiskey at the local bar). They own yachts, and penthouses and private planes. They travel around and buy things they don't need and all they get out of it is boredom.

One scene was of one of the girls working out with her 1000$ a day personal trainer (I'm in the wrong business) and all she did the entire time she was "working out" was either complain about her sweating or her camel toe while she did every single move wrong. Like the moves she was doing? They were moves you do in warm up in preschool. Then the show cut to her talking about how shes "Just neurotic and she can't help it! ha ha hah!" Uh, NO sweetheart, You are not "neurotic" you're just dumb. Then she compared picking out a nail design to applying to and point.

The moment I decided I was done with the show was when these two girls were trying to make sangria and one girl says and I quote "I've never opened my own wine bottle before" this real life? They didn't know how to use a wine opener.... Listen. If you are a woman and you are at least 25 years old and you have never opened your own wine bottle on your own before, then god be with you (in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Beyonce). The next scene was of the two friends talking about how opening a wine bottle is "liiike, the hardest thing everrrr".... THEN they Instagrammed a picture of her holding "her first wine cork" ........Like, grow the fuck up that is embarrassing. The rest of us are polishing off a bottle laughing at you.

Let's think about these people for a second - They all (pretty much) live at home with their parents because that's who gave them all this money. They spend an obscene amount of time and energy into having all the best things, and for what?? To be able to say that they can? Don't all rich kids do the same thing? You have Tuscan marble everywhere? How original. You own everything Prada? So amazing. Want to know why there is such a fierce competition between all the rich kids of Instagram? It's to prove who has more money. Why? Because they have nothing else to show for themselves. They're all dim and have no common sense or appreciation for anything because they can literally buy a new version of whatever they need. I bet none of them could figure out how to change a lightbulb, because why would they need to? They pay people to do that for them. That's probably the extent of the emergencies they've ever faced.

Their lifestyle actually sounds painfully boring to me. These people do not know how to do a thing on their own and have ZERO imagination.  Everything in their life was handed to them for free. They just spend money and take up space while they Instagram everything they do. Like you're rich, that's cool but no one cares except you and your rich why do you have TV show? After watching them I decided that I'd rather hang out with a wet towel. At least the towel and I would be able to have a real conversation.

I don't need to be rich. I'm actually excellent at being poor. How? Because 1.) I'm smart and 2.) I don't buy useless shit. I am excellent at being poor. What does that mean? Let me explain. I am totally fine with clothes from TJ maxx and shopping in the clearance aisle (tell me you don't) . No high maintenance here. If you walk with confidence and you look good, does the label even matter? Not really actually. If you're a decent person, people can see. If you're pretty much a piece of shit, there isn't really a label to cover that. You know what is really impressive? Making clothes from Target look like they're designer. Put me on TV, I'll show you how it's done.

My mom and very Italian grandmother taught me how to live modestly and be very self sufficient. I know you people out there who know exactly what it means to have a strong italian women in your life. My grandmother would beat the shit out of those Beverly Hills assholes (she's 85 by the way). They made me fend for myself sometimes so I had no choice but to learn. I'm so glad they taught me to be like this too. I wouldn't have it any other way because now I know for sure that I'm not an idiot. I see some kids today who don't know how to do  anything for themselves and I'm just like, "how did this happen"?  like really? you can't cook? How hard is it to boil water? to follow instructions?

People should understand how to appreciate things. I think about things before I do them because that's what I was taught. Everyone should be taught to think more because its shocking how many people don't. I know some people, that if they ever won the lottery, they'd probably be broke in five years. I bet you do too. Hell no. Not I. I would be the best millionaire ever. For now though, I don't have obscene wealth and you know what? I'm cool with it, I'll get there. This stupid show actually made me realize how happy I am with what I have and and proud of what I have achieved so far because it actually has value. So here's to the people out there hustling hard everyday, building their own life. I salute you my brothers and sisters.

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