Ok so now that I've started a blog, I have to upkeep it. I didn't realize how much work this would be. Now I have to be funny all the time for who ever may possibly read this? I'm already exhausted. Like I can't just make one post, that would make me look like an idiot. I didn't plan on only making one but now I'm nervous. Do people think I'm funny or am I under the delusion I'm funny when in reality I'm just spewing out nonsense to no one, laughing at myself because I think I'm hilarious. I've actually been thinking about what to 'blog' about. I literally made a list of things that may be funny or interesting. That can't be normal. I'm not normal. Anyways, I made a list. But I feel like blogs should just be a thought. A sudden thought that turned out into a long drawn out explanation.... So this is what I came up with today.
Ok, here it goes:
I can't be the only one who says 'look at this asshole' when a car with an ungodly amount of bumper stickers drives by, am I? Like other people see this and think that same thing right? Like why on this green earth do you need THAT many bumper stickers? I almost immediately judge that person. I don't mean to it just happens. WHY DO YOU NEED THAT MANY??? I need answers. Like OK I get it, you reallyyyyy like hello kitty or you think "you look better on myspace" is hilarious enough to put on your car, but are 12 bumper stickers necessary? You do realize that is a CAR and not a lunch box correct? Like that person took all that time to individually stick all those stickers on there to make sure the world knows "I have an attitude!"
Do these people know they look stupid to the world? I especially love the girly stickers, like honey you don't need 5 hibiscus flowers and a peace sign. We get it. You're a girl. I can now be sure to avoid you on the highway because you're driving skills are probably as bad as your sticker choices. Way to deface your vehicle so that everyone knows you're ridiculous. ( I'm sorry, I'm judging again. See what bumper stickers do? I am really a very nice person, I swear.) I always see funny bumper stickers in stores but I would never actually put them on my car; My personality doesn't solely exist as the voice behind "If you can read this BACK UP." Because while I believe that statement to be true, (DO NOT even get me started on tailgaters) I feel like that's an invitation for unwanted attention. Like there are other assholes on the road (no, not me), who are like "Don't like tailgaters huh!?" and then they're up your ass. Bumper stickers are a catalyst for road rage and prejudice.
Like I said unwanted attention and judgement. So why do these people insist on all the stickers? Like I saw a few cars today with more than 6. That's definitely a little much. A couple are fine but I'd say any more than 4 is annoying. Like thats reasonable, after that you're just asking for people to be like "look at this asshole" (see what I did there?) Like no one can read all those while driving, their only purpose I guess is to provide entertainment at stoplights.
I do like bumper stickers to a point. I get a laugh at people that have stickers that scream pull me over i.e. Bad cop no donut! I hate team sports stickers because I get judgmental saying I get it your life is boring and you love team sports. I find I judge the Hello Kitty and zombie sticker people as immature. My question for you is what are your feelings on someone who has stickers that you don't understand? Like if you saw a person with a bunch of stickers from a personal sport like say snowboarding, rock climbing or mountain biking etc.. I find I don't mind these type because when I see them I feel like wow an active person with a hobby other than team sports.