
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boston Strong

"When Gotham needs a hero, they look to Batman. When Boston needs a hero, they look to the person standing next to them"

I need to write a quick post about how fucking awesome Boston is. I didn't want to write anything in the last week because I didn't want to say anything out of anger and offend anyone by possibly being insensitive. So I waited until to now to just say how proud I am of Boston. And this country. What happened at the marathon was so terrible and awful and horrible. I can't even fathom how someone could drop a bomb and take life so easily. I could go on and on with words that equal devastating but Boston came together and caught the fucking scum bag and I couldn't be more proud of that city. We lost some beautiful souls but may they forever rest in peace in the heart of the city. The way people banded together in the face of tragedy to help one another in the midst of a bombing is surreal. The people of Boston have an unreal amount of guts and so much heart that I swell with pride just to live near the city never mind actually in it. People continued to run after the marathon to immediately donate blood. BPD and other marathon runners ran toward the explosions to help. Jeff Bauman lost both his legs in the horrific explosion and he was the one to identify the lowlifes who did it. Unbelievable. Amazing. I could go on because there are so many more heroes who threw others out of the way, who helped other people up after falling, who carried people to safety. I get chills hearing about someone who risked it all to help a complete stranger. There are so many heroes and the support from within the city and from other major cities in the country is amazing. I am so proud just to be a fan of the Boston sports teams just to have any type of connection to the city.  I have seen Boston dedications on every newspaper, magazine, sports game, news station and TV show and almost every single one has brought me to tears. The city itself has risen to the occasion and showed the world, that even in the face of absolute horror, it still can stand strong. Thank you to all the police and federal agents and citizens who contributed and risked their lives. You are what makes the heart of Boston so strong.

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